UK Catalysis Hub Publications

2,118 researchers have collaborated in publishing 760 papers supproted by UK Catalysis Hub

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Journal (188)
Year (5)
10 publications found

Title: Rapid Estimation of Catalytic Efficiency by Cumulative Atomic Multipole Moments: Application to Ketosteroid Isomerase Mutants Year: 2017 Authors (4): W. Beker, M. W. van der Kamp, A. J. Mulholland, W. A. Sokalski Publisher: Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.6b01131 article-journal Themes: Biocatalysis (2017)
Title: Enhanced MFC power production and struvite recovery by the addition of sea salts to urine Year: 2017 Authors (5): I. Merino-Jimenez, V. Celorrio, D. J. Fermín, J. Greenman, I. Ieropoulos Publisher: Water Research DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2016.11.017 article-journal Themes: Energy (2016)
Title: Understanding the molecular basis for the controlled design of ruthenium nanoparticles in microporous aluminophosphates Year: 2016 Authors (5): M. E. Potter, J. M. Purkis, M. Perdjon, P. P. Wells, R. Raja Publisher: Molecular Systems Design & Engineering DOI: 10.1039/c6me00061d article-journal Themes: BAG (2016)
Title: A Noncanonical Tryptophan Analogue Reveals an Active Site Hydrogen Bond Controlling Ferryl Reactivity in a Heme Peroxidase Year: 2021 Authors (11): M. Ortmayer, F. J. Hardy, M. G. Quesne, K. Fisher, C. W. Levy, D. J. Heyes, C. R. A. .Catlow, S. P. de Visser, S. E. J. .Rigby, S. Hay, A. P. Green Publisher: JACS Au DOI: 10.1021/jacsau.1c00145 article-journal Themes: New Catalysts (2021)
Title: Operando XAFS investigation on the effect of ash deposition on three-way catalyst used in gasoline particulate filters and the effect of the manufacturing process on the catalytic activity Year: 2021 Authors (11): M. Panchal, J. Callison, V. Skukauskas, D. Gianolio, G. Cibin, A. P. E. .York, M. E. Schuster, T. I. Hyde, P. Collier, C. R. A. .Catlow, E. K. Gibson Publisher: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter DOI: 10.1088/1361-648x/abfe16 article-journal Themes: Core (2021)
Title: Surfactant-free Synthesis of Spiky Hollow Ag–Au Nanostars with Chemically Exposed Surfaces for Enhanced Catalysis and Single-Particle SERS Year: 2021 Authors (11): Z. Ye, C. Li, M. Celentano, M. Lindley, T. O’Reilly, A. J. Greer, Y. Huang, C. Hardacre, S. J. Haigh, Y. Xu, S. E. J. .Bell Publisher: JACS Au DOI: 10.1021/jacsau.1c00462 journal-article Themes: Collaborations (2021)
Title: Recent advances in automotive catalysis for NOx emission control by small-pore microporous materials Year: 2015 Authors (5): A. M. Beale, F. Gao, I. Lezcano‐Gonzalez, C. H. . F. .Peden, J. Szanyi Publisher: Chemical Society Reviews DOI: 10.1039/c5cs00108k journal-article Themes: Design (2015)
Title: Preface to the JPCM special issue on intense radiation sources in condensed matter and materials physics Year: 2021 Authors (4): P. F. McMillan, M. C. Wilding, C. R. A. .Catlow, W. Bras Publisher: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter DOI: 10.1088/1361-648x/ac1301 journal-article Themes: Core (2021)
Title: Study of CO2 permeation in Zn2+‐modified Al2O3‐carbonate membrane Year: 2023 Authors (2): L. Qu, E. I. Papaioannou Publisher: Journal of the American Ceramic Society DOI: 10.1111/jace.19216 journal-article Themes: Water-Energy (2023)
Title: Potassium-Promoted Limestone for Preferential Direct Hydrogenation of Carbonates in Integrated CO2 Capture and Utilization Year: 2023 Authors (9): S. Sun, Z. Chen, Y. Xu, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, C. Dejoie, S. Xu, X. Xu, C. Wu Publisher: JACS Au DOI: 10.1021/jacsau.3c00403 journal-article Themes: Core (2023)
Publications by theme
Publications by year
Publications accumulated
Publications accumulated vs. per year (line)
Publications accumulated avg. vs. per year (bar)
Publications per journal
Journal Publications
ACS Catalysis 59
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 33
ChemCatChem 31
Journal of the American Chemical Society 28
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 27
Catalysis Science & Technology 26
Doctoral Thesis 24
Topics in Catalysis 21
Faraday Discussions 21
Dalton Transactions 20
Journals 188
Average: 4.04
Maximum: 59
Minimum: 1
Groups Articles
1-5 159
6-10 13
11-15 3
16-20 4
more than 20 9

Publications per publisher
Publisher Publications
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 194
American Chemical Society (ACS) 169
Wiley 122
Elsevier BV 115
Springer Science and Business Media LLC 49
The Royal Society 17
University College London 14
Springer Nature 13
Informa UK Limited 5
Publishers 34
Average: 22.35
Maximum: 194
Minimum: 1
Groups Publications
1-5 25
11-15 2
16-20 2
more than 20 5

Inactive publications
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