Title: Operando Generated Ordered Heterogeneous Catalyst for the Selective Conversion of CO2 to Methanol Year: 2021
Authors (11):
A. Cherevotan, J. Raj, L. Dheer, S. Roy, S. Sarkar, R. Das, C. P. Vinod, S. Xu, P. P. Wells, U. V. Waghmare, S. C. Peter
Publisher: ACS Energy Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.0c02614 article-journal
Themes: Collaborations (2021)
Title: Operando HERFD-XANES/XES studies reveal differences in the activity of Fe-species in MFI and CHA structures for the standard selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 Year: 2019
Authors (7):
M. Agote-Arán, I. Lezcano-González, A. G. Greenaway, S. Hayama, S. Díaz-Moreno, A. B. Kroner, A. M. Beale
Publisher: Applied Catalysis A: General
DOI: 10.1016/j.apcata.2018.11.026 article-journal
Themes: Design (2019)
Title: Operando Spectroscopic Studies of Cu–SSZ-13 for NH3–SCR deNOx Investigates the Role of NH3 in Observed Cu(II) Reduction at High NO Conversions Year: 2018
Authors (6):
A. G. Greenaway, I. Lezcano-González, M. Agote-Arán, E. K. Gibson, Y. Odarchenko, A. M. Beale
Publisher: Topics in Catalysis
DOI: 10.1007/s11244-018-0888-3 article-journal
Themes: Design (2018), BAG (2018)
Title: Operando Studies of Aerosol-Assisted Sol–Gel Catalyst Synthesis via Combined Optical Trapping and Raman Spectroscopy Year: 2021
Authors (5):
G. Davies, J. Driver, A. Ward, L. Negahdar, J. McGregor
Publisher: The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c07517 journal-article
Themes: New Catalysts (2021)
Title: Operando XAFS investigation on the effect of ash deposition on three-way catalyst used in gasoline particulate filters and the effect of the manufacturing process on the catalytic activity Year: 2021
Authors (11):
M. Panchal, J. Callison, V. Skukauskas, D. Gianolio, G. Cibin, A. P. E. .York, M. E. Schuster, T. I. Hyde, P. Collier, C. R. A. .Catlow, E. K. Gibson
Publisher: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
DOI: 10.1088/1361-648x/abfe16 article-journal
Themes: Core (2021)
Title: Operando chemical tomography of packed bed and membrane reactors for methane processing Year: 2017
Authors (1):
A. Vamvakeros
Publisher: Doctoral Thesis
DOI: phd-thesis
Themes: Theses (2017)
Title: Operando potassium K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy: investigating potassium catalysts during soot oxidation Year: 2020
Authors (9):
C. J. Davies, A. J. Mayer, J. Gabb, J. M. Walls, V. Degirmenci, P. B. J. .Thompson, G. Cibin, S. Golunski, S. A. Kondrat
Publisher: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
DOI: 10.1039/d0cp01227k article-journal
Themes: Environment (2020)
Title: Operando spectroscopy study of the carbon dioxide electro-reduction by iron species on nitrogen-doped carbon Year: 2018
Authors (17):
C. Genovese, M. E. Schuster, E. K. Gibson, D. Gianolio, V. Posligua, R. Grau-Crespo, G. Cibin, P. P. Wells, D. Garai, V. Solokha, S. Krick Calderon, J. J. Velasco-Vélez, C. Ampelli, S. Perathoner, G. Held, G. Centi, R. Arrigo
Publisher: Nature Communications
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-03138-7 article-journal
Themes: Design (2018), BAG (2018)
Title: Optimised hydrogen production by aqueous phase reforming of glycerol on Pt/Al2O3 Year: 2016
Authors (5):
N. D. Subramanian, J. Callison, C. R. A. .Catlow, P. P. Wells, N. Dimitratos
Publisher: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.08.081 article-journal
Themes: Energy (2017)
Title: Optimised photocatalytic hydrogen production using core–shell AuPd promoters with controlled shell thickness Year: 2014
Authors (11):
W. Jones, R. Su, P. P. Wells, Y. Shen, N. Dimitratos, M. Bowker, D. J. Morgan, B. B. Iversen, A. Chutia, F. Besenbacher, G. J. Hutchings
Publisher: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
DOI: 10.1039/c4cp04693e article-journal
Themes: Design (2014), BAG (2014)