Title: Influence of Synthesis Conditions on the Structure of Nickel Nanoparticles and their Reactivity in Selective Asymmetric Hydrogenation Year: 2020
Authors (13):
R. Arrigo, S. Gallarati, M. E. Schuster, J. M. Seymour, D. Gianolio, I. da Silva, J. Callison, H. Feng, J. E. Proctor, P. Ferrer, F. Venturini, D. Grinter, G. Held
Publisher: ChemCatChem
DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201901955 article-journal
Themes: Collaborations (2019)
Title: Insight into the effects of confined hydrocarbon species on the lifetime of methanol conversion catalysts Year: 2020
Authors (12):
I. Lezcano-González, E. Campbell, A. E. . J. .Hoffman, M. Bocus, I. V. Sazanovich, M. Towrie, M. Agote-Arán, E. K. Gibson, A. G. Greenaway, K. De Wispelaere, V. Van Speybroeck, A. M. Beale
Publisher: Nature Materials
DOI: 10.1038/s41563-020-0800-y article-journal
Themes: Featured (2020), Design (2020)
Title: Investigation of MoOx/Al2O3 under Cyclic Operation for Oxidative and Non-Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane Year: 2020
Authors (11):
S. K. Matam, C. Moffat, P. Hellier, M. Bowker, I. P. Silverwood, C. R. A. .Catlow, S. D. Jackson, J. Craswell, P. P. Wells, S. F. Parker, E. K. Gibson
Publisher: Catalysis
DOI: 10.3390/catal10121370 article-journal
Themes: Design (2020)
Title: Investigations of Carbon Nitride-Supported Mn3O4 Oxide Nanoparticles for ORR Year: 2020
Authors (8):
A. I. Large, S. Wahl, S. Abate, I. da Silva, J. J. Delgado Jaen, N. Pinna, G. Held, R. Arrigo
Publisher: Catalysts
DOI: 10.3390/catal10111289 article-journal
Themes: Design (2020)
Title: Isolated Pd Sites as Selective Catalysts for Electrochemical and Direct Hydrogen Peroxide Synthesis Year: 2020
Authors (7):
M. Ledendecker, E. Pizzutilo, G. Malta, G. V. Fortunato, K. J. J. .Mayrhofer, G. J. Hutchings, S. J. Freakley
Publisher: ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c01305 journal-article
Themes: BAG (2020)
Title: Kinetics of Water Gas Shift Reaction on Au/CeZrO4: A Comparison Between Conventional Heating and Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) Plasma Activation Year: 2020
Authors (7):
K. Wangkawong, S. Phanichphant, B. Inceesungvorn, C. E. Stere, S. Chansai, C. Hardacre, A. Goguet
Publisher: Topics in Catalysis
DOI: 10.1007/s11244-020-01245-8 journal-article
Themes: Water-Energy (2020), New Catalysts (2020)
Title: Light-driven post-translational installation of reactive protein side chains Year: 2020
Authors (19):
B. Josephson, C. Fehl, P. G. Isenegger, S. Nadal, T. H. Wright, A. W. J. .Poh, B. J. Bower, A. M. Giltrap, L. Chen, C. Batchelor-McAuley, G. Roper, O. Arisa, J. B. I. .Sap, A. Kawamura, A. J. Baldwin, S. Mohammed, R. G. Compton, V. Gouverneur, B. G. Davis
Publisher: Nature
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2733-7 article-journal
Themes: Transformations (2020)
Title: Mechanism of CO2 conversion to methanol over Cu(110) and Cu(100) surfaces Year: 2020
Authors (3):
M. Higham, M. G. Quesne, C. R. A. .Catlow
Publisher: Dalton Transactions
DOI: 10.1039/d0dt00754d article-journal
Themes: New Catalysts (2020), Featured (2020)
Title: Mechanistic Insight into the Framework Methylation of H-ZSM-5 for Varying Methanol Loadings and Si/Al Ratios Using First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations Year: 2020
Authors (7):
S. A. F. .Nastase, P. Cnudde, L. Vanduyfhuys, K. De Wispelaere, V. Van Speybroeck, C. R. A. .Catlow, A. J. Logsdail
Publisher: ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c01454 journal-article
Themes: Collaborations (2020)
Title: Mechanistic study of non-thermal plasma assisted CO2 hydrogenation over Ru supported on MgAl layered double hydroxide Year: 2020
Authors (12):
S. Xu, S. Chansai, Y. Shao, S. Xu, Y. -C. Wang, S. J. Haigh, Y. Mu, Y. Jiao, C. E. Stere, H. Chen, X. Fan, C. Hardacre
Publisher: Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2020.118752 journal-article
Themes: Water-Energy (2020)