UK Catalysis Hub Publications

2,156 researchers have collaborated in publishing 774 papers supproted by UK Catalysis Hub

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Year (12)
119 publications found

Title: Chemical looping dry reforming of methane using mixed oxides of iron and cerium: Operation window Year: 2021 Authors (2): F. R. García-García, I. S. Metcalfe Publisher: Catalysis Communications DOI: 10.1016/j.catcom.2021.106356 journal-article Themes: Energy (2021)
Title: Chemo-enzymatic routes towards the synthesis of bio-based monomers and polymers Year: 2019 Authors (3): S. T. Ahmed, N. G. H. .Leferink, N. S. Scrutton Publisher: Molecular Catalysis DOI: 10.1016/j.mcat.2019.01.036 article-journal Themes: Biocatalysis (2019)
Title: Cobalt atom sites anchored on sulfhydryl decorated UiO-66 to activate peroxymonosulfate for norfloxacin degradation Year: 2023 Authors (9): H. Wang, C. Wang, X. Wang, Q. Chen, S. Liu, R. Cai, S. J. Haigh, Y. Sun, D. Yang Publisher: NA DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2022.108972 journal-article Themes: Circular Economy (2023)
Title: Combined spatially resolved operando spectroscopy: New insights into kinetic oscillations of CO oxidation on Pd/γ-Al2O3 Year: 2019 Authors (14): E. K. Dann, E. K. Gibson, C. R. A. .Catlow, V. Celorrio, P. Collier, T. Eralp Erden, M. Amboage, C. Hardacre, C. E. Stere, A. B. Kroner, A. Raj, S. M. Rogers, A. Goguet, P. P. Wells Publisher: Journal of Catalysis DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2019.03.037 article-journal Themes: Design (2019)
Title: Computational investigation of the structures and energies of microporous materials Year: 2022 Authors (3): E. Stacey, M. G. Quesne, C. R. A. .Catlow Publisher: Elsevier Microporous and Mesoporous Materials DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2022.112382 journal-article Themes: New Catalysts (2022)
Title: Concise synthesis of artemisinin from a farnesyl diphosphate analogue Year: 2018 Authors (4): X. Tang, M. Demiray, T. Wirth, R. K. Allemann Publisher: Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry DOI: 10.1016/j.bmc.2017.03.068 article-journal Themes: Biocatalysis (2018)
Title: Contrasting structure-property relationships in amorphous, hierarchical and microporous aluminophosphate catalysts for Claisen-Schmidt condensation reactions Year: 2021 Authors (5): H. Annath, J. C. Manayil, J. M. Thompson, A. C. Marr, R. Raja Publisher: Applied Catalysis A: General DOI: 10.1016/j.apcata.2021.118376 journal-article Themes: Design (2021)
Title: Conversion of butanol to propene in flow: A triple dehydration, isomerisation and metathesis cascade Year: 2022 Authors (4): Y. Shi, A. S. Weller, A. J. Blacker, P. W. Dyer Publisher: Catalysis Communications DOI: 10.1016/j.catcom.2022.106421 journal-article Themes: New Catalysts (2022)
Title: Deactivation study of the hydrodeoxygenation of p -methylguaiacol over silica supported rhodium and platinum catalysts Year: 2017 Authors (7): F. P. .Bouxin, X. Zhang, I. N. .Kings, A. F. Lee, M. J. .H. .Simmons, K. Wilson, S. D. .Jackson Publisher: Applied Catalysis A: General DOI: 10.1016/j.apcata.2017.03.039 article-journal Themes: Energy (2017), Biocatalysis (2017)
Title: Delaminated hydrotalcite precursors for green methanol synthesis Year: 2023 Authors (6): J. S. Hayward, J. R. Esquius, N. Richards, W. Jones, D. Hewes, M. Bowker Publisher: Catalysis Communications DOI: 10.1016/j.catcom.2023.106694 journal-article Themes: New Catalysts (2023), Core (2023), BAG (2023)
Publications by theme
Publications by year
Publications accumulated
Publications accumulated vs. per year (line)
Publications accumulated avg. vs. per year (bar)
Publications per journal
Journal Publications
ACS Catalysis 59
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 35
ChemCatChem 32
Journal of the American Chemical Society 28
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 27
Catalysis Science & Technology 26
Doctoral Thesis 24
Topics in Catalysis 21
Faraday Discussions 21
Dalton Transactions 20
Journals 191
Average: 4.05
Maximum: 59
Minimum: 1
Groups Articles
1-5 160
6-10 14
11-15 4
16-20 4
more than 20 9

Publications per publisher
Publisher Publications
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 199
American Chemical Society (ACS) 171
Wiley 123
Elsevier BV 119
Springer Science and Business Media LLC 51
The Royal Society 17
University College London 14
Springer Nature 13
Informa UK Limited 5
Publishers 34
Average: 22.76
Maximum: 199
Minimum: 1
Groups Publications
1-5 25
11-15 2
16-20 2
more than 20 5

Inactive publications
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