UK Catalysis Hub Publications

2,118 researchers have collaborated in publishing 760 papers supproted by UK Catalysis Hub

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14 publications found

Title: The highly surprising behaviour of diphosphine ligands in iron-catalysed Negishi cross-coupling Year: 2018 Authors (12): A. M. Messinis, S. L. J. .Luckham, P. P. Wells, D. Gianolio, E. K. Gibson, H. M. O’Brien, H. A. Sparkes, S. A. Davis, J. Callison, D. Elorriaga, O. Hernandez-Fajardo, R. B. Bedford Publisher: Nature Catalysis DOI: 10.1038/s41929-018-0197-z article-journal Themes: Transformations (2019), BAG (2019)
Title: Functional and informatics analysis enables glycosyltransferase activity prediction Year: 2018 Authors (10): M. Yang, C. Fehl, K. V. Lees, E. -K. Lim, W. A. Offen, G. J. Davies, D. J. Bowles, M. G. Davidson, S. J. Roberts, B. G. Davis Publisher: Nature Chemical Biology DOI: 10.1038/s41589-018-0154-9 article-journal Themes: Transformations (2018)
Title: Solvent Free Synthesis of PdZn/TiO2 Catalysts for the Hydrogenation of CO2 to Methanol Year: 2018 Authors (6): H. Bahruji, J. R. Esquius, M. Bowker, G. J. Hutchings, R. D. Armstrong, W. Jones Publisher: Topics in Catalysis DOI: 10.1007/s11244-018-0885-6 article-journal Themes: Environment (2018)
Title: A Perspective on Counting Catalytic Active Sites and Rates of Reaction Using X-Ray Spectroscopy Year: 2018 Authors (2): S. A. Kondrat, J. A. .van Bokhoven Publisher: Topics in Catalysis DOI: 10.1007/s11244-018-1057-4 article-journal Themes: Environment (2018)
Title: Reactions of Dimethylether in Single Crystals of the Silicoaluminophosphate STA-7 Studied via Operando Synchrotron Infrared Microspectroscopy Year: 2018 Authors (8): R. F. Howe, Suwardiyanto, D. J. Price, M. Castro, P. A. Wright, A. G. Greenaway, M. D. Frogley, G. Cinque Publisher: Topics in Catalysis DOI: 10.1007/s11244-018-0890-9 article-journal Themes: Energy (2018)
Title: Preface for Special Issue in Celebration of the 3rd UK Catalysis Conference (UKCC) Year: 2018 Authors (2): A. M. Beale, C. Hardacre Publisher: Topics in Catalysis DOI: 10.1007/s11244-018-0902-9 article-journal Themes: Collaborations (2018)
Title: Photocatalytic Reforming of Biomass: What Role Will the Technology Play in Future Energy Systems Year: 2022 Authors (9): N. Skillen, H. Daly, L. Lan, M. Aljohani, C. W. J. .Murnaghan, X. Fan, C. Hardacre, G. N. Sheldrake, P. K. J. .Robertson Publisher: Topics in Current Chemistry DOI: 10.1007/s41061-022-00391-9 journal-article Themes: Water-Energy (2022)
Title: Kinetics of stearic acid destruction on TiO2 ‘self-cleaning’ films revisited Year: 2022 Authors (3): S. Alofi, C. O'Rourke, A. Mills Publisher: Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences DOI: 10.1007/s43630-022-00278-0 journal-article Themes: Water-Energy (2022)
Title: Perovskite Supported Catalysts for the Selective Oxidation of Glycerol to Tartronic Acid Year: 2022 Authors (5): C. D. Evans, J. K. Bartley, S. H. Taylor, G. J. Hutchings, S. A. Kondrat Publisher: Catalysis Letters DOI: 10.1007/s10562-022-04111-2 journal-article Themes: Core (2022)
Title: Spherical hydroxyapatite nanoparticle scaffolds for reduced lead release from damaged perovskite solar cells Year: 2022 Authors (16): M. Z. Mokhtar, A. Altujjar, B. Wang, Q. Chen, J. C. -R. Ke, R. Cai, N. Zibouche, B. F. Spencer, J. Jacobs, A. G. Thomas, D. Hall, S. J. Haigh, D. J. Lewis, R. Curry, M. S. Islam, B. R. Saunders Publisher: Communications Materials DOI: 10.1038/s43246-022-00299-3 journal-article Themes: Circular Economy (2022)
Publications by theme
Publications by year
Publications accumulated
Publications accumulated vs. per year (line)
Publications accumulated avg. vs. per year (bar)
Publications per journal
Journal Publications
ACS Catalysis 59
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 33
ChemCatChem 31
Journal of the American Chemical Society 28
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 27
Catalysis Science & Technology 26
Doctoral Thesis 24
Topics in Catalysis 21
Faraday Discussions 21
Dalton Transactions 20
Journals 188
Average: 4.04
Maximum: 59
Minimum: 1
Groups Articles
1-5 159
6-10 13
11-15 3
16-20 4
more than 20 9

Publications per publisher
Publisher Publications
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 194
American Chemical Society (ACS) 169
Wiley 122
Elsevier BV 115
Springer Science and Business Media LLC 49
The Royal Society 17
University College London 14
Springer Nature 13
Informa UK Limited 5
Publishers 34
Average: 22.35
Maximum: 194
Minimum: 1
Groups Publications
1-5 25
11-15 2
16-20 2
more than 20 5

Inactive publications
Title Year Status

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