UK Catalysis Hub Publications

2,118 researchers have collaborated in publishing 760 papers supproted by UK Catalysis Hub

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Journal (188)
Year (8)
14 publications found

Title: Dielectric Barrier Plasma Discharge Exsolution of Nanoparticles at Room Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure Year: 2024 Authors (13): A. ul Haq, F. Fanelli, L. Bekris, A. M. Martin, S. Lee, H. Khalid, C. D. Savaniu, K. Kousi, I. S. Metcalfe, J. T. S. .Irvine, P. Maguire, E. I. Papaioannou, D. Mariotti Publisher: Advanced Science DOI: 10.1002/advs.202402235 journal-article Themes: Circular Economy (2024)
Title: A Low‐Temperature Synthetic Route Toward a High‐Entropy 2D Hexernary Transition Metal Dichalcogenide for Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysis Year: 2023 Authors (16): J. Qu, A. Elgendy, R. Cai, M. A. Buckingham, A. A. Papaderakis, H. de Latour, K. Hazeldine, G. F. S. .Whitehead, F. Alam, C. T. Smith, D. J. Binks, A. S. Walton, J. M. Skelton, R. A. W. .Dryfe, S. J. Haigh, D. J. Lewis Publisher: Advanced Science DOI: 10.1002/advs.202204488 journal-article Themes: Circular Economy (2023)
Title: Support and gas environment effects on the preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide over Co3O4 catalysts studied in situ Year: 2021 Authors (8): T. M. Nyathi, M. I. Fadlalla, N. Fischer, A. P. E. .York, E. J. Olivier, E. K. Gibson, P. P. Wells, M. Claeys Publisher: Applied Catalysis B: Environmental DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2021.120450 journal-article Themes: Core (2021), BAG (2021)
Title: Understanding structure-activity relationships in highly active La promoted Ni catalysts for CO2 methanation Year: 2020 Authors (13): P. H. Ho, G. S. de Luna, S. Angelucci, A. Canciani, W. Jones, D. Decarolis, F. Ospitali, E. R. Aguado, E. Rodríguez-Castellón, G. Fornasari, A. Vaccari, A. M. Beale, P. Benito Publisher: Applied Catalysis B: Environmental DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2020.119256 article-journal Themes: BAG (2020), Core (2020)
Title: Mechanistic study of non-thermal plasma assisted CO2 hydrogenation over Ru supported on MgAl layered double hydroxide Year: 2020 Authors (12): S. Xu, S. Chansai, Y. Shao, S. Xu, Y. -C. Wang, S. J. Haigh, Y. Mu, Y. Jiao, C. E. Stere, H. Chen, X. Fan, C. Hardacre Publisher: Applied Catalysis B: Environmental DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2020.118752 journal-article Themes: Water-Energy (2020)
Title: Highly active Pt3Rh/C nanoparticles towards ethanol electrooxidation. Influence of the catalyst structure Year: 2019 Authors (8): C. V. S. .Almeida, D. êN. S. Ferreira, H. Huang, A. C. Gaiotti, G. A. Camara, A. E. Russell, K. I. B. .Eguiluz, G. R. Salazar-Banda Publisher: Applied Catalysis B: Environmental DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2019.04.078 article-journal Themes: BAG (2019)
Title: A comparison of photocatalytic reforming reactions of methanol and triethanolamine with Pd supported on titania and graphitic carbon nitride Year: 2019 Authors (8): W. Jones, D. J. Martin, A. Caravaca, A. M. Beale, M. Bowker, T. Maschmeyer, G. Hartley, A. Masters Publisher: Applied Catalysis B: Environmental DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2017.01.042 journal-article Themes: Design (2019), Energy (2019)
Title: Directed aqueous-phase reforming of glycerol through tailored platinum nanoparticles Year: 2018 Authors (8): J. Callison, N. D. Subramanian, S. M. Rogers, A. Chutia, D. Gianolio, C. R. A. .Catlow, P. P. Wells, N. Dimitratos Publisher: Applied Catalysis B: Environmental DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2018.07.008 article-journal Themes: Design (2018), BAG (2018)
Title: Simultaneous removal of NOx and soot particulate from diesel exhaust by in-situ catalytic generation and utilisation of N2O Year: 2018 Authors (8): C. J. Davies, K. Thompson, A. Cooper, S. Golunski, S. H. Taylor, M. Bogarra Macias, O. Doustdar, A. Tsolakis Publisher: Applied Catalysis B: Environmental DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2018.07.072 article-journal Themes: Environment (2018)
Title: Mechanistic Aspects of Hydrodeoxygenation of p-Methylguaiacol over Rh/Silica and Pt/Silica Year: 2018 Authors (7): F. P. Bouxin, X. Zhang, I. N. Kings, A. F. Lee, M. J. .H. .Simmons, K. Wilson, S. D. Jackson Publisher: Organic Process Research & Development DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.8b00211 article-journal Themes: Energy (2018)
Publications by theme
Publications by year
Publications accumulated
Publications accumulated vs. per year (line)
Publications accumulated avg. vs. per year (bar)
Publications per journal
Journal Publications
ACS Catalysis 59
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 33
ChemCatChem 31
Journal of the American Chemical Society 28
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 27
Catalysis Science & Technology 26
Doctoral Thesis 24
Topics in Catalysis 21
Faraday Discussions 21
Dalton Transactions 20
Journals 188
Average: 4.04
Maximum: 59
Minimum: 1
Groups Articles
1-5 159
6-10 13
11-15 3
16-20 4
more than 20 9

Publications per publisher
Publisher Publications
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 194
American Chemical Society (ACS) 169
Wiley 122
Elsevier BV 115
Springer Science and Business Media LLC 49
The Royal Society 17
University College London 14
Springer Nature 13
Informa UK Limited 5
Publishers 34
Average: 22.35
Maximum: 194
Minimum: 1
Groups Publications
1-5 25
11-15 2
16-20 2
more than 20 5

Inactive publications
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