Title: LanCLs add glutathione to dehydroamino acids generated at phosphorylated sites in the proteome

Authors (18): K. -Y. Lai, S. R. G. .Galan, Y. Zeng, T. H. Zhou, C. He, R. Raj, J. Riedl, S. Liu, K. P. Chooi, N. Garg, M. Zeng, L. H. Jones, G. J. Hutchings, S. Mohammed, S. K. Nair, J. Chen, B. G. Davis, W. A. van der Donk

Themes: New Catalysts (2021), Featured (2021)

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.04.001

Citations: 33

Pub type: article-journal

Publisher: Elsevier BV

Issue: 10

License: [{"URL"=>"https://www.elsevier.com/tdm/userlicense/1.0/", "start"=>{"date-parts"=>[[2021, 5, 1]], "date-time"=>"2021-05-01T00:00:00Z", "timestamp"=>1619827200000}, "delay-in-days"=>0, "content-version"=>"tdm"}]

Publication date(s): 2021/05 (online)

Pages: 2680-2695.e26

Volume: 184 Issue: 10

Journal: Cell

Link: [{"URL"=>"https://api.elsevier.com/content/article/PII:S0092867421004360?httpAccept=text/xml", "content-type"=>"text/xml", "content-version"=>"vor", "intended-application"=>"text-mining"}, {"URL"=>"https://api.elsevier.com/content/article/PII:S0092867421004360?httpAccept=text/plain", "content-type"=>"text/plain", "content-version"=>"vor", "intended-application"=>"text-mining"}]

URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2021.04.001

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