Title: The Direct Synthesis of H2O2 Using TS‐1 Supported Catalysts

Authors (11): R. J. Lewis, K. Ueura, Y. Fukuta, S. J. Freakley, L. Kang, F. R. Wang, Q. He, J. K. Edwards, D. J. Morgan, Y. Yamamoto, G. J. Hutchings

Themes: Environment (2019)

DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201900100

Citations: 42

Pub type: article-journal

Publisher: Wiley

Issue: 6

License: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions#vor

Publication date(s): 2019/03/20 (print) 2019/03/05 (online)

Pages: 1673-1680

Volume: 11 Issue: 6

Journal: ChemCatChem

Link: https://api.wiley.com/onlinelibrary/tdm/v1/articles/10.1002%2Fcctc.201900100

URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cctc.201900100

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cctc201900100-sup-0001-misc_information.pdf Supl. data for The Direct Synthesis of H2O2 Using TS‐1 Supported Catalys... 2019
