Title: Influence of catalyst pore network structure on the hysteresis of multiphase reactions

Authors (5): G. Ye, X. Zhou, J. Zhou, W. Yuan, M. -O. Coppens

Themes: Design (2016)

DOI: 10.1002/aic.15415

Citations: 17

Pub type: article-journal

Publisher: Wiley

Issue: 1

License: http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/tdm_license_1

Publication date(s): 2017/01 (print) 2016/07/27 (online)

Pages: 78-86

Volume: 63 Issue: 1

Journal: AIChE Journal

Link: https://api.wiley.com/onlinelibrary/tdm/v1/articles/10.1002%2Faic.15415

URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/aic.15415

The effects of the catalyst pore network structure on multiphase reactions in catalyst pellets are investigated by using the experimentally validated pore network model proposed in our recent work (A...

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aic15415-sup-0001-suppinfo01.doc Supl. data for Influence of catalyst pore network structure on the hyste... 2016
